I Died and Spent 11 Hours in Heaven!


Jim Woodford, a former airline pilot, has seen much of the world from 30,000 feet. For most of his life he had no interest in serving God. All of that changed forever after eleven hours in Heaven. Now Jim declares, “I’m just a man who has gotten a glimpse of Heaven’s glory.”

The story of Jim Woodford and his unexpected journey to Heaven is one of contrasts: from death to life, from experiencing the literal clutches of Hell to the loving embrace of Heaven, and from a prison of sickness to a miraculous healing. Jim, a man who soared to great heights in business and aviation, began his ascent to Heaven with a crashing descent into the darkness of a debilitating and often-fatal disease: Guillain-BarrО…

From Death to Life

“This disease filled my life with relentless and indescribable pain and eventually shut down my earthly body. My fingers began to curl inward so much they had to be splinted to remain straight. Through medical treatment and physical therapy I was able to learn to function. I found temporary relief in powerful prescription drugs.“Then, one evening while sitting in the cab of my pickup truck, I took too much of the medication and succumbed to its toxic effects. Immediately, knowing that I had done something very wrong, I gasped a final cry, “God forgive me.” With that, my spirit shed my earthly body and I began my unexpected journey to Heaven. As I began to rise up, I looked back to see my depleted body resting against the steering wheel of his truck. I soared beyond the scope of any aeronautical instruments. In a moment, I was transported through a tunnel of brilliant, golden light into fields and pastures surrounding Heaven whose colors and sounds defy description. I came to realize that I had lived in the land of the dying but was going to the land of the living!

From the Clutches of Hell to the Embrace of Heaven

“At the other end of the tunnel, I stood at a transition point between the lush green paradise of Heaven to my right and the gaping jaws of Hell to my left. I stood at the edge of Hell’s pit, smelling the stench of death and hopelessness and hearing its ancient screeching gates opening to receive me into Hell’s eternal darkness. Sinister, whispering voices now called out my name, ‘Jim, Jim, come with us….’ Then from that roiling blackness emerged a creature with red eyes and gaping jaws dripping with foul saliva and desiring to have me. I felt the sharp talon of this beast at my back drawing me into its clutches. I cried out in desperation, ‘God save me!’“

With that, I saw three points of light growing more brilliant as they jetted toward me with incredible speed. These angels were three of the most magnificent beings in the realm of Heaven, dispatched to rescue me at the command of Jesus! The three angels were of immense stature being 10, 13, and 15 feet tall clothed in brilliant garments and shining with the light of God. The angels had violet eyes that looked at me with great tenderness. They spoke to me through a direct transfer of thought, revealing they were guardians assigned to me.

“The tallest of the three was a warring angel whose garments were even more brilliant than the other two. This angel was endowed with great authority having a spiritual sword of light in a scabbard at his side. I was rescued from the clutches of Hell and gathered into the loving embrace of Heaven in the arms of angels.

“I was then taken by the guardians on a walking tour of Heaven’s paradise. The landscape featured lush green grass rippling with light. The petals of translucent flowers rang out a gentle chiming song to the reigning Messiah Jesus as I and the guardians walked by. Palpable joy filled the atmosphere. I experienced sounds that had color and color that had sounds. At one point, I touched the arm of one of the angels, and as I pulled my hand away, the light that emanated from the angel clung to me!“

I observed various halls for healing, knowledge, and learning as well as a nursery for infants who had passed away at or before birth. To my great delight, I was led to a pasture where three magnificent horses greeted me. (I has always had a great love for horses.) Of particular fascination were the sight of six clouds that rose straight up into Heaven. When I inquired about this phenomenon, the guardians told me that these were the prayers being offered for my return and healing. I later found out that at that same time, six people, including my wife and other family members, were gathered in a circle praying for me. What an opportunity to see prayer from Heaven’s perspective!“The greatest experience of all awaited me as the warring angel led me to the very presence of Jesus who was more brilliant than all of the angels. As I looked into the gracious, loving eyes of Jesus, I found healing for the emptiness I had experienced in my earthly life and a new purpose to declare God’s glory. I wanted nothing more than to abide in the presence of the One who rescued me from death and destruction, but I was sent back with a single command: ‘Jim, my son, this is not yet your time. Go back and tell your brothers and sisters of the wonders we have shown you.’ With that, my spirit left the brilliance of Heaven’s paradise and traveled back, re-inhabiting my earthly body, which had been brain-dead and on life support for eleven hours.

From Brokenness to Wholeness

“The initial road to recovery after my experience in Heaven was a challenge. I came back with the chemical evidence of Guillain-BarrО still in my body, but to the amazement of the doctors I have no symptoms—no pain or paralysis! I not only went from death to life, from emptiness to fullness, from the gates of Hell to Heaven, I was now transformed from brokenness to wholeness. I was healed by the power and love of Jesus! I have more energy now at age 69 than I did when I was 40."A longing for Heaven and Jesus remains in my heart. Once you’ve seen Heaven and walked in the very presence of angels and of Jesus, you can never be satisfied on earth again. Now I’m filled with the love of Jesus and desire to fulfill his mission."


God's Goodness in the Midst of Crisis


Delivered from Devil Worship