Activate the Miracle Realm: #1 Reason Most Believers Don’t See Miracles

You will witness more miracles in the next twelve months than you have seen in the past twelve years, and these may not be limited to church settings.

Through the power of God released from your hands, you will witness so many miracles that you might forget to celebrate them all. People will seek you out for prayers, ask you to visit them, call you on the phone, and even wait for you at your house. Once the news of your miracle-working abilities spreads, be prepared for an influx of people seeking your help.

Not the Way It Was Meant to Be

If you turn on any cable news network, you will quickly see many issues, including wars, famine, corruption, poverty, and injustice. It only takes a moment to realize that humanity is grappling with the effects of thousands of years of generational iniquity and infirmity. The next time you see such headlines, say aloud, “This is not how it was meant to be.” In the beginning, God created everything, and it was good. The Hebrew word for good is towb, which means “perfect in functional design and aesthetic beauty” (Strong’s H2896). Everything was towb! But after the fall of man in Genesis 3, everything became fractured in beauty and design. Creation shifted from God’s blessing to a curse, meaning it must survive at all costs.

Interestingly enough, Charles Darwin derived his theory of evolution from this observation, seeing how all created things had to fight for their survival. He believed that if forced to do so, creation would adapt, evolve, and fight to survive against natural conditions and predators, or it would become extinct. Darwin’s initial observation was correct, but it could have been understood more thoroughly through the lens of Genesis 3.

With the fall and corruption of creation came an inherent expectation of death, and naturally, the fear of it followed. This fear is seen through humanity’s unwise choices. If people deny the existence of God and the idea of divine accountability, their selfishness and survival instinct will lead them into all manner of evil. The Bible refers to this as iniquity, defined as the internal bent within humanity to do wrong. Infirmity refers to both mental and physical weakness.

Your Activation Begins with Honesty

The impact of generational iniquity and infirmity has affected all of us. Although we may want to focus on something other than the disappointing aspects of our lives, that is precisely where our journey to activating miracles must begin. Honesty is essential to gaining true empowerment in the area of the miraculous because sickness and disease affect everyone. People must possess the necessary tools to process their losses.

I want to ask you some questions, and I urge you to take a moment to answer them honestly. You may even want to record your responses in your journal. Suppose you have struggled with healing and miracles and have yet to experience this spiritual gift in your own life. In that case, these questions may provide valuable insight to help you overcome any obstacles hindering your progress. Please answer these questions with brutal honesty. It is a personal reflection between you and the Lord, and He can handle your uncensored brokenness.

  1. How have sickness and disease impacted your life?

  2. In what ways have sickness and disease affected your identity and self-image? Have you adopted any identity statements related to a disease, such as “I am a diabetic” or “I am a cancer survivor”?

  3. How has iniquity (sin) shaped your identity and self-image? Have you adopted any identity statements related to addiction, such as “I am an alcoholic” or “I am a sex addict”?

  4. How has death and loss impacted your life?

  5. How have death and loss impacted your belief in God?

  6. Have you ever believed in healing and been disappointed? If so, how did that disappointment affect your belief in healing?

  7. Have you ever prayed for someone’s resurrection and been disappointed? If so, how did that disappointment affect your belief in God’s character and nature as good and faithful?

  8. How has suicide impacted your life? Did guilt and condemnation affect you?

  9. In what ways are you still wrestling with any of the above factors?

Io the Brokenhearted

If you are currently experiencing a season of painful loss and are struggling to understand where God fits in, take comfort in Psalm 51:17, as translated by Brian Simmons in The Passion Translation: “The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet.”

This verse reveals God’s character and willingness to draw near to brokenhearted people. It’s common to feel lonely, abandoned, and vulnerable during pain, but remember that your pain is not offensive or intimidating to God. He longs to reveal His love and care for you in your brokenness.

When broken, you can either push people away or allow your tenderness to lead you into a vulnerability where you can heal and grow. The enemy will try to exploit your brokenness, but you can protect your soul against judgments by asking the Lord to help you keep your heart soft.

In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Paul reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness. We don’t need to have everything together when we come to Him. Our honesty about what we lack creates a supernatural magnet for His power.

To the brokenhearted, I encourage you to run to God with your open and broken heart. He promises that He will never reject or despise you for your brokenness. Remember that God’s love for you is everlasting, and He promises to be with you in your pain.

If you’re in a season of pain and loss, pray with me:

Heavenly Father, I come before You now, approaching You with boldness, humility, and a broken heart. I need You now more than ever. I need the kind of love and affection that can only come from a true and perfect Father. By faith, I declare Your powerful, tangible, and unwavering presence. I know I am not alone, and You are always near me. I love You now and always. Amen.

The Number-One Reason Why Most Believers Do Not See Miracles

Usually, when equipping people to walk in miracles, we build their faith by recalling numerous examples of healing. The idea is to create such a compelling case with powerful testimonies that the spirit of doubt will have no choice but to shrivel up and die.

However, doubt is only sometimes the root cause of why most people don’t walk in miracles. While doubt is undoubtedly an issue, it’s not necessarily the underlying problem. That’s why we began the chapter the way we did. We need to address the effects and subconscious theology framed by lingering disappointment.

Imagine breaking your arm and not seeking medical attention to have the bone set and secured. The outcome will be that the bone will not heal correctly and the arm will eventually become permanently disfigured. Although the arm may heal, it won’t heal as intended. It will lose its functionality and won’t be able to perform its original purpose.

The same principle applies when we try to achieve emotional healing without the truth. We may move on from our past, but we will lose our supernatural ability to function in alignment with God’s word. Instead, when faced with injustice, sin, sickness, or disease, we will position ourselves to avoid getting hurt again. We will adjust our theology in a way that allows us to merely survive.

Disappointment is often the root cause of why most believers don’t experience miracles. When your soul isn’t aligned with the truth of God’s word, your mind, will, and emotions will heal distortedly, preventing you from functioning supernaturally.

The good news is that if you can humbly and honestly confront the disappointment and acknowledge how it has affected your faith, God can readily provide you with the grace and power to overcome it. Whether you were let down by a lack of healing or experienced loss due to a broken relationship, missed opportunity, or unfulfilled expectations, the enemy will always try to use disappointment to overwhelm you with feelings of discouragement, hurt, and uncertainty about the future.

Once you recognize that these emotions are just feelings and not rooted in truth, it’s as though God turns on the light switch. We can shift these emotions by making light of them. My goal is to assist you in minimizing the impact of disappointment, so you can be strengthened by God’s grace to reclaim your authority.

Darren Stott

Darren Stott is a supernaturalist called by God to catalyze joy through anointed media, books, entertainment, and equipping resources. He is the founder of Supernaturalist Ministry, and serves as the CEO of Renaissance Coalition, a movement incorporated by John G. Lake’s daughter in Spokane, Washington, in 1947. He is the Senior Leader of Seattle Revival Center, a church pastored by both his grandfather and father.


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