Are You A Single Lady in Waiting?

In the days Jesus was on earth, when a young woman reached the age of availability for marriage, her family would purchase an alabaster box for her and fill it with precious ointment.

The size of the box and the value of the ointment would parallel her family’s wealth. This alabaster box would be part of her dowry. When a young man came to ask for her in marriage, she would respond by taking the alabaster box and breaking it at his feet. This gesture of anointing his feet showed him honor.

One day, when Jesus was eating in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came in and broke an alabaster box and poured the valuable ointment on Jesus’ head (see Mark 14:3-9). The passage in Luke 7 that refers to this event harshly describes the woman as “a woman in the city who was a sinner” (Luke 7:37). This woman found Jesus worthy of such sacrifice and honor. In fact, Jesus memorialized her gesture in Matthew 26:13 (see also Mark 14:9). This gesture had such meaning, for not only did she anoint Jesus for burial, she also gave her all to a heavenly Bridegroom. Yes, she was a sinner (who isn’t, according to Romans 3:23?), but this sinner had dreams and wisely broke her alabaster box in the presence of the only One who can make a woman’s dreams come true.

What is in your alabaster box? Is your box full of fantasies that began as a little girl while you listened to and watched fairy tales about an enchanting couple living happily ever after? Have you been holding on tightly to your alabaster box of dreams, frantically searching for a man worthy of breaking your box? Take your alabaster box to Jesus and break it in His presence, for He is worthy of such honor. Having responded to your heavenly Bridegroom in such a manner, you can wait with confident assurance that, if it be God’s will, He will provide you with an earthly bridegroom.

How do you know if you have broken your alabaster box at the feet of Jesus? Such a decision will be reflected in reckless abandonment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When the Lord gives you a difficult assignment, such as another dateless month, you receive His terms without resentment. Your attitude will reflect Mary’s response to the angel when she, as a single woman, was given a most difficult assignment. Mary said, “I belong to the Lord, body and soul…let it happen as you say” (Luke 1:38 PNT). Take your alabaster box, with your body, soul, and dreams, and entrust them to Jesus. When He is your Lord, you can joyfully walk in the path of life that He has for you.

Often a woman will attempt to find delight in a career if Mr. Right has not arrived. In time, even her “great career” will prove to be less than satisfying. A career, a marriage, or even motherhood is not enough to totally satisfy you by itself. God knows that you will never be complete until you really understand that you are complete in Jesus. Colossians 2:9-10 says, “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority.” When a single woman enters a career or even marriage without understanding that she is complete in Christ, she will be disillusioned and dissatisfied.

Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus. Only in the process of reckless abandonment to Jesus does any woman ever finally understand that, in Him, she is complete. When two “incomplete” singles get married, their union will not make them complete. Their marriage will be simply two “incomplete” people trying to find completeness in one another. Only when they understand that their fullness is found in a relationship with Jesus will they ever begin to complement one another. They can never complete one another. You were not created to complete another, but to complement.

Completion is Jesus’ responsibility and complementing is a woman’s privilege. A woman not complete in Jesus will be a drain on her husband. Such a woman will expect her husband to fill the gap that only Jesus can fill. Only the single woman who understands this means of being complete in Jesus is mature enough to be a helpmeet (complement). “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ…” (Col. 2:9-10 NIV). Are you feeling full yet? Ask the Lord right now to begin this process of revealing to your heart the reality of your fullness in Him. “But it is good for me to draw near to God…” (Ps. 73:28 KJV).

In the movie Jerry Maguire, the leading man played by Tom Cruise speaks a phrase that caused single women around the world to gasp for air! He said to his girlfriend, “You complete me!” Well, sorry girls, Jerry Maguire was wrong. It sounded good romantically, but biblically a woman was not created to complete a man but to complement a man (see Gen. 2:18).

In her book Loneliness, Elisabeth Elliot states, “Marriage teaches us that even the most intimate human companionship cannot satisfy the deepest places of the heart. Our hearts are lonely ’til they rest in Him.” Elisabeth Elliot has been married three times (twice widowed), and she knows from experience that marriage does not make one complete—only Jesus does.

Satisfied by a Heavenly Fiancé

Does your relationship with Jesus reflect reckless abandonment to Him, or does it reflect only tokenism, a superficial effort toward following Jesus? Are you content to offer to Jesus that which costs you nothing? Are you influencing those around you to consider a life-changing commitment to Jesus Christ? In the Song of Solomon, the Shulammite was so committed to the one she loved that other women wanted to meet him. They were anxious to go with her to seek him: “Where has your lover gone, most beautiful of women? Which way did your lover turn, that we may look for him with you?” (Song of Sol. 6:1 NIV). Who was this One so worthy of such reckless abandonment? Does your commitment to Jesus cause those around you to seriously consider whether Jesus is Lord of their lives? Or does your “token” relationship leave you and others still thirsty?

Honeymoon with Jesus

One of Jackie’s single friends stopped by her home one day, glowing and grinning from ear to ear. When questioned about her grin, she replied, “I am on a honeymoon with Jesus.” This woman had been through a brutal divorce (including losing custody of her children), and in her hopeless condition she met the One who gives everlasting hope. When she began to recklessly abandon herself to knowing Jesus as Lord, He began to fill the gaps in her heart left by the removal of her husband and children. In Christ she found comfort, healing, direction, and purpose for her life.

Do you understand such a relationship with Christ? It doesn’t come cheaply, but the high price is worth the results of such a commitment, especially today. The depth of your relationship with God is up to you. God has no favorites; the choice to surrender is yours. A.W. Tozer so brilliantly stated in his book The Pursuit of God:

“It will require a determined heart and more than a little courage to wrench ourselves loose from the grip of our times and return to Biblical ways.”

Ruth had just such a determined heart, and the Lord honored her faith to move away from all that was familiar and take a journey toward the completely unknown. Ruth did not allow her friends, her old surroundings, or her culture’s dead faith to keep her from running hard after God. She did not use the excuse of a dark past to keep her from a bright future that began with her first critical choice: reckless abandonment to Jesus Christ.

Have you made this critical choice or you have settled for a mediocre relationship with Jesus? Amy Carmichael, one of the greatest single woman missionaries who ever lived, once remarked, “The saddest thing one meets is the nominal Christian.”

Choose right now to put mediocrity behind you; courageously determine to pursue Jesus with your whole heart, soul, and mind. As a single woman, this is the perfect moment to establish a radical relationship with Jesus and remove any tokenism from your Christian walk.

Becoming a Lady in Waiting begins with reckless abandonment to Jesus. The strength and discipline necessary to be a Lady of Diligence, Faith, Virtue, Devotion, Purity, Security, Contentment, Conviction, and Patience is discovered in this radical way of relating to your heavenly Bridegroom. If you find yourself struggling with any of the qualities discussed in the following chapters, you may want to reexamine your own commitment to Jesus. Is it real and all-encompassing, or merely ornamental? Do you remember a time when you broke your “alabaster box” in the presence of the Lord Jesus? The Lady in Waiting understands the pleasing aroma of the perfume that flows from one’s “broken alabaster box.” It is the irresistible aroma of reckless abandonment to Jesus Christ.

Jackie Kendall

Jackie Kendall has ministered through teaching and counseling for more than 30 years. Jackie's teaching ministry in and through the local church spans the spectrum from youth, college, singles, and married adults.
As President of Power to Grow Ministries, Jackie is a sought after conference speaker for people of all ages and stages of life. Her teaching presentation is hard-hitting, humorous, and healing. Her teaching allows tough topics to become easier to swallow as she spices them with her savory humor and Biblical style.

Jackie has chosen a road earmarked by personal vulnerability, accessibility and honesty. She readily admits to being a "fellow struggler" and sees transparency as a most important link in personal growth toward Christ. Out of Jackie's hurt and heartache has come a unique speaking ministry. Jackie's instruction is full of practical insights and off the wall humor that takes you on a journey that will leave you changed.

Jackie and her husband Ken taught a spring training Bible Study for the Montreal Expos and the Atlanta Braves between 1991 and 1998. Jackie is now a popular speaker for Pro Athletes Outreach (Baseball and the NFL). Recently John Smoltz (Cy Young Winner, 1996 Braves) introduced Jackie and her husband to Evander Holyfield as his "spiritual mentors."

Jackie has co-authored the best selling book and workbook for single women titled, Lady in Waiting. She has just published a devotional titled, Say Goodbye to Shame. Jackie's newest book The Mentoring Mom, was released in May 2006.


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